zpo_channel9_b - by zero to nothing Max Players:32 20-5-1996 - 4 days after outbreak Every other place seems infected with something. The last news broadcast said they were playing a S.O.S tape to the Air Force for help but we never saw it play. The others and I are gonna search Channel9 and find that S.O.S tape. I'll broadcast it and hope someone sees it...if someone is still alive. Objectives: 1* Find the S.O.S tape and missing Cog (somewhere downstairs) 2* Correctly align the Satellite from the roof using the Cog 3* Upload S.O.S tape in Control Room "A" to the Air Force (3 mins) 4* Activate the roof area from Control Room "A" 5* Open the roof door and wait for evacuation Highlights: Most machines/props interactive Zombie spawns follow objectives as they progress Big Ups: Jonny - Archanor - The Snarkpit.net - anyone in ZP IRC who listened to my crap. Author: In his spare time zero to nothing plays in his sandpit with his new friend George.