------------------------------ zpo_keretti by Mage_ofOld ------------------------------ Story: An epidemic has swept through the Keretti mine. The appereance and behavior of the affected miners has changed to an almost zombie like state. Will you survive or become another victim. ------------------------------ Survivor Objectives: -Use the radio in the warehouse to call for help. -Close the door to the mine to prevent any diseased workers from escaping. -Destroy the company files pertaining to the illegal mining practices. Zombie Objectives: -Prevent the survivors from escaping. ------------------------------ Tips: Zombies can turn the radio off. This will force the survivors to wait another two minutes to complete the objective. Similarly, zombies can flip the generator panel to make it open again, preventing humans from closing it. Also, the objectives can be completed in any order. ------------------------------ Map info: Max players: 32 Recommended: 4-32 ------------------------------